
Private Boat Besut to Perhentian

From: RM400.00

Journey : 30 minutes
Price quoted exclude marine park fee
Available from Feb – Oct
maximum 12pax per boat
Boat time:
9:00AM | 11:00AM | 1:00PM | 4:30PM
*Please advice where do you stay on Perhentian

Please advice your 2nd contact number if available, in case we can’t contact the number in the reservation

Return boat ticket to Perhentian Island

  • This is digital ticket, please get your original ticket on our sales office (Anjung Holidays, at the Kuala Besut jetty) at least 30 minutes before departure
    Ini adalah tiket digital, sila dapatkan tiket asal anda di pejabat jualan kami ( Anjung Holidays, di jeti Kuala Besut) sekurang-kurangnya 30 minit sebelum berlepas
  • Price quoted exclude Marine Park Conservation Fee
    Harga yang disebut tidak termasuk Yuran Pemuliharaan Taman Laut
  • Ticket can’t be cancel or refund after purchase. But can be postpone to other date
    Tiket tidak boleh di batalkan atau membayar balik selepas pembelian. Tetapi boleh ditangguhkan ke tarikh lain
  • We are not responsible for the safety of your luggage during the trip
    kami tidak bertanggungjawab ke atas keselamatan bagasi anda semasa dalam perjalanan

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
saiful – +60199866930
zalizam – +60139382583

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